Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tethering a Blackberry 8703e with Windows 7 Beta

I recently installed Windows 7 beta on a Dell Latitude D630 and could not get Sprint Smartview to properly install. I finally found a solution which, while a bit kludgy, does work: using the BB over bluetooth as a dial-up-modem. I found the instructions on, from user “camattin.”

  1. Go to your network connections
  2. click create a new connection
  3. select 'Connect to the Internet'
  4. 'Set up my connection manually'
  5. <next>
  6. 'Connect using a dialup modem'
  7. <next>
  8. check only the box for the 'Standard Modem'
  9. <next>
  10. give the ISP box some value.. i.e. "SprintPCS"
  11. <next>
  12. enter '#777' for the phone number
  13. <next>
  14. can opt for anyone's use or my use only
  15. <next>
  16. leave the username & password fields blank
  17. unless your situation warrants it, unselect both checkboxes (use this account when anyone connects to the internet, make this the default internet connection)
  18. <next>
  19. <finish>

This finally allows me to use my laptop when I am away from wifi. Smartview is the only important application I have not gotten working under Windows 7, which has been amazingly stable for me.