So, while you can look into the loving eyes of your own beautiful daughters, somewhere in Afghanistan, a grieving family will never look into the loving eyes of three children again.
The Incarnation of the Prince of Peace
1 week ago
My musings on computers, freedom, religion, and whatever else comes to mind.
Libertarian Papers is now online! The welcome text below is taken from the site.
Welcome to Libertarian Papers!
To Authors, Readers, and Potential Libertarians:
A new libertarian journal—a new type of libertarian journal—is born today. Libertarian Papers is an exclusively online peer-reviewed journal. Its home is this elegant, fast, easy-to-use website. Please feel free to browse around.
Watch that sharing spirit go away if you threaten to cut that check.
apt-get install mt-daapd ffmpegThis will get you the software you need. After the packages are installed, edit the /etc/mt-daapd.conf file and change the location of your media files to wherever you keep them. After saving the file, issue
/etc/init.d/mt-daapd restartI have occasionally found cases where Ubuntu starts services immediately after installing them. Restart means it will stop the process first, if there is an active one.